Hello friends & readers,
As the holidays approach, many of us are going to be traveling to visit friends and loved ones. Traveling is always a little stressful so here are some tips to keep the harmony with your fellow passengers as we all make our treks.
1) Thinking ahead helps keep a cool head
A little pre-planning when packing your stuff and dressing yourself can make a big difference when you are in line. At most airports these days you have to take off everything you can and empty your bag before going through security. Thinking about how much you are going to have to take off and what you will need to remove from your carry on bag can make a BIG difference where you have a security line hundreds of people long. I know we all like to look stylish and arrive looking out best, but surely you have some good looking slip off shoes and can leave your jewelry in your bag for one day.
Also keep in mind your airports Data and wifi, if you are not printing your boarding pass make SURE you have the ability to open it when you reach the airport.
2) Close quarters means a close shave
When you are sitting right up against someone in a plane, you get to know a lot about them. One thing you DON'T want to learn is the last time that person had a shower. Body Oder can get very bad very fast on airplanes so make sure you shower thoroughly before you get on a plane. DO NOT GO HEAVY ON THE PERFUME OR COLOGNE / BODY SPRAY TO MAKE UP FOR IT. The only thing worse than body odor, is body odor mixed with Axe Body Spray. Also you can potentially trigger an allergy reaction or asthma attack if you use too much of a scented product.
3) Pick your seats carefully
If you are someone who likes to get up a lot on flights, get an aisle seat. If you like to sleep, get a window. If traveling with family or friends, book soon enough that you can get seats together. Do not ask ANYONE to trade seats unless it is truly mutually beneficial. Asking someone to move back 5 rows and trade and aisle for a middle seat so you can be closer to your flying companion is 100% not acceptable. Same with asking someone to get up ever 20 minutes because you stay super hydrated AND want to look out the window.
4) Supervise everything (and everyone) you bring on that plane
You are responsible for everything and everyone you bring on a flight. If you drink explodes and gets on your fellow passenger, it is your job to clean it up and help them. If your child is kicking the seat of the person in front of you, it is YOUR JOB to stop it ASAP.
We have all had the experience of taking a flight where there is a small child who is having a bad time. It is hard on everyone, the crew, the parents, the passengers, not to mention the child! Some things that make kids cry on airplanes can't be helped, ears hurting being a big one (Your Polite Friend had an eardrum rupture on a flight and was ready to scream herself). That being said, there are something that you MUST do if you are flying with a little one:
- Pack them QUITE toys to keep them occupied, if you have a laptop or other DVD playing, get an attachment with multiple headphone jacks.
- Make sure you or another adult are sitting with them and SUPERVISING THEM
- If they miss behave correct it ASAP (Throwing food, chair kicking, screaming they want something)
- Get them their own seat! Flying is expensive, but having that extra space for them is a god send if you need to change a diaper or just store some extra toys. Also if you want to take a few minutes and eat something yourself, it is hard to do with anything in your lap.
That's all for now friends. Please keep checking back for more etiquette tips & questions answered & feel free to write in with any questions!
Your Amie Polie (That's Polite Friend in French-Talk)
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