Saturday, May 31, 2014

Welcome! Can I get you a drink?

Hi Everyone and welcome to Your Polite Friend.

People  often come to me with etiquette questions (or complaints) about every day life in this crazy world we live in and I thought I would put some of these together.  If you every have a question for me please feel free to shoot me an email.

So what is our first topic to kick start this blog?  Well, I thought we would tackle a tough one:

And because this is such a large topic, I am going to pick a specific area I hear the most complaints about: RSVPs and Flakers.

OK, Paper invitations to things (other than weddings) pretty much died with the dial up modem, and for some reason, so did people's ability to commit to anything.  I guess if we don't have a physical item in our hands it just doesn't make the event seem real or important.  This is a habit we need to stop.  E-vites and Facebook invites are clearly hear to stay (maybe the hipsters will bring back real invitations but still) but how we treat them needs to become more serious.  I blame this on my arch nemesis: the Maybe button.  I am convinced the Maybe button was invented by someone who had commitment issues.  You might as well tell the person "I want to see if a better option comes along".

There is a definite ranking in terms of how serious you take invites:
- Evite: If someone took the effort to make an evite and email it to you then this is an event where Maybe is not OK.  Evite is the paper invitation for the new generation.  PLEASE COMMIT
- Facebook, Personal: Not quite as hard core as Evite.  Read carefully and see if this is a "everyone stop by when you can" type event or "Actually need a head count" type event.  If it is casual, Maybe is OK, but please take a minute to really think about it and if you really think the answer is no, SAY SO.  If it at all seems like the Host(ess) needs a head count please: DON'T CLICK THE MAYBE BUTTON!
- Facebook, NonPersonal: Maybe a friend's band is playing or an event with a group you know is happening.  These type of event invites are more "spreading the word".  It is nice to click yes if you plan on going because people want get an idea if the club is going to be packed or not.  If this is for a friend, please RSVP (no Maybe) and please share.

Now, on to the part that we all hate: FLAKERS

It is pretty simple: if you say you are going, GO.  Yes, yes, there is always something that comes up, car trouble, illness, etc.  But honestly, if you really don't think you are going to go, SAY SO.  I have some lovely friends who throw events I wish I could go to more, but due to my day job and their location, it just doesn't happen and I explain that.  It is better and shows more respect for them as people than blowing them off all the time or being a Maybe Baby.

OK, that was the first post from Your Polite Friend.  Please keep checking back for more etiquette tips and questions answered and feel free to write in with any questions!

Your Amie Polie (That's Polite Friend in French-Talk)

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